Alameda County Dental Society
How to contact the ACDS Office:
…we are available by phone, but email is best.
While we’d love to talk to you by phone, for many reasons, it's in your best interest to email us first. Why?
1. You might have to be placed on hold if you call ACDS until the right contact can be located for the purpose of your call, if that staff member is even available. If you email us, you won't have to be placed on hold.
2. The very high majority of inquires require a staff follow-up email to reference another organization, ACDS committee, event registration link, brochure, website or send you a document. These are best communicated by email to keep in your electronic records.
3. You might have a question that requires us to do some research, or connect with a ACDS Committee first to answer correctly. An email allows us to do this for you without making you wait on the phone.
4. Emails also allow staff to forward communications to the right people and avoid the game of “telephone” as we relay messages to other staff members and ACDS committees.
5. Especially when it comes to event registration or membership inquiries, we recommend keeping an email “paper-trail” for you to refer to at a later time.
6. ACDS staff is considered “part-time.” Staff also regularly attends and preps for ACDS and Foundation committee meetings, Board meetings, General Membership Meetings, Membership events, and CDA meetings and is unable to guarantee incoming phone call coverage 40 hours a week.
At ACDS, our members are our top priority. We are committed to responding to emails and phone calls within one business day. However, during weeks with high-volume meetings or major events, response times may extend to two business days.
Contact the Executive Director, Sean McDonald:
Contact Member Services, event registration questions or general society inquiries:
Mailing address:
1540 River Park Drive, Suite 211
Sacramento, CA 95815-4608